AW20-02BG-A 模块式过滤减压阀

●节能减压阀 压力下降量:最大改善50%
●削减维护空间 最大消减46%
可选项信息 可选项的值 值的信息
AW20-02BG-A主体大小 20 组合件大小
螺纹种类 – 公制螺纹(M5)/Rc
接管口径 02 1/4
可选项a B 有托架
可选项b – 无自动排水器
可选项c G 带圆形压力表(带限位指示器)
准标准a – 0.05~0.7MPa设定,聚碳酸酯杯
准标准b – 带排水活门,溢流型,流向:左→右,产品标牌、杯注意指示和压力表的单位表示:MPa
订制规格 – 标准
图片 型号 名称
- AW22P-060AS 阀芯组件
AF20P-060S 过滤器滤芯
- AR22P-150AS 膜片组件
C2SFP-260S 杯体O型圈
G36-10-01 圆形压力表
- AR22P-270AS 托架组件
C2SF-A 杯组件
AW10-A to AW40-A, AW20-02BG-AFilter Regulator, Metric, North American & European
SMC’S series AW20-02BG-Ais a combination filter/regulator, minimizing space and piping by integrating two units into one. The pressure drop across the regulator section has been reduced creating a more efficient unit with a maximum set pressure of 100 psi. The element and bowl on the AW-A series is now one-piece, making element replacement easier. Bowls on the size 30 and 40 are covered with a transparent bowl guard, completely protecting them from the environment and making the interior contents visible from 360 degrees. This series is part of the family of modular air preparation units and can be combined with other similar sized products. The new AW-A is available in four body sizes with piping from M5 to 3/4″ in Rc, NPT, and G thread types.
上海达斯奇自动化设备有限公司是一家专业代理经销气动电驱、工控电子等自动化元器件产 品服务商,集科工贸于一体的系统集成商。是气动工控品牌日本SMC、德国FESTO、CKD、 亚德客AIRTAC、英国诺冠NORGREN、德国西门子SIEMENS,瑞士ABB、美国邦纳Banner、 德国西克SICK、日本OMRON、力士乐Rexroth、法国施耐德Schneider、美国罗克韦尔A-B、 爱默生ASCO等众多品牌在中国的合作伙伴。公司致力于气动、电驱、传感器、液压、伺服 减速机、PLC变频器等产品的推广销售与服务。需要使用型号AW20-02BG-A,请联系我们!